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Welcome to Übersetzungen vom Fach –
your specialist for legal translations!

You need a German translation of your company documents such as extracts from the commercial register, articles of association or minutes of a shareholders meeting? Your German customer wants a German version of the sales contract you are about to conclude? Or you simply wish to offer your German-speaking customers a version of your terms and conditions that they can understand? Maybe you would like to buy a property in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, and you require a translation of the notarial deed? Or your great-aunt Maria has left you an estate in Germany and you need a translation of her last will and testament?

I offer high-quality translations of legal texts of any nature, including, but not limited to, notarial deeds and contracts, standardised terms and conditions, documents issued by courts, land register records, last wills and other documents from English and Spanish into German and vice versa. I can also provide certified translations which can be submitted to courts, administrative authorities or institutions.

My range of services can be found here.

To learn more about me and my qualifications, please click here.

Should you have any questions, please check the FAQ. Should you have an urgent request, do not hesitate to contact me directly.

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